We're finally doing it. We're starting a small group for parents! Over the last couple months, so many parents have told me, "I just don't know what to do anymore."
You're. Not. Alone!
Many have said that having a supportive cohort to go to with your struggles as parents would be a game-changer - a cohort of people who have been there or are there with you.
So this announcement is two-fold. In youth group, we just started a short series on hospitality. So, on May 1, as a way of putting it into practice, youth group will NOT be at the church, it will be at Kaye Sanders' house. Please contact me, Nathaniel, at 360-998-0321 for the address. Drop off and pickup will be there that night.
THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART: For the last 30 minutes, starting at 8, you are all invited to join us for dessert. This is the kick-off for the parent small group!
It's a great opportunity to get acquainted with each other, to dip your feet into this community that's at your fingertips just by having a student in our youth ministry. It might adapt over time, but my vision is that this parent small group would meet during youth group every other week, starting May 1. After that first time, you can just drop off your kid at youth group, go to the host's house, and then come get your kid at the end of the night. All the hosts I've talked to so far live close to the church, so not only do you get fellowship, you'll also save a lot of drive time that night!
Since it's a lot for one person, my hope is that you'll work together to share the load of hosting, passing it off week-to-week. If you want to host but can't do it at your house, you're welcome to use the church.
I pray this opportunity is lifegiving for you and your families!